About the Author

Raelynn Gilman is 54, single, and lives in TucsonArizona.  She attends Calvary Christian Fellowship in Tucson, is on her church’s prayer team and works in their children’s ministry.

     Raelynn attended Shepherd’s Bible College via a satellite program for two semesters, studying the Minor Prophets and Pneumatology (the study of the Holy Spirit). 

     It's Raelynn's desire to help people draw closer to the Lord through her writing.  The Lord has given her wisdom for daily living in "Letters to My Beloved Ones", inspiration through daily devotions entitled "Reflexions", a children's short story series called "Maddie Learns" in which the main character learns Godly values in her daily interactions, and a short story series called "Lazy Day Retirement Home Series", in which the elderly residents and staff of a retirement home discover their place and value in life and society.  She has also recently embarked upon a spiritual journey which is being blogged in real time in "The Experiment".

     May God richly bless you as you read, and if you come across something that will bless another, please refer them to the site.

Love in Christ, Raelynn


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