Saturday, October 11, 2014

Who's Holly Halper?


     Oh Lord, Holly prayed silently over her bowl of Rice Krispies, what am I going to do?  Grandma is requiring more help every day and between work and school, I'm not here enough.  I'm exhausted, I'm missing work, failed a test I didn't have time to study for, and feel guilty that I'm not always around when she needs me.  I know you'll work it out somehow, but I don't see a way.  Please, please help us.  Amen.

     Holly Halper was a 32-year old personal assistant to a very demanding banker.  The job left her exhausted and unfulfilled, so when Grandma Dolly offered her entire savings to send Holly to medical school, she jumped at the chance.  She did, however, have to keep the job to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table.  Holly managed to juggle the two alright for the first year, but now with her grandmother's declining health it was becoming too much to handle.

     "There you are, dear", Dolly said, entering the kitchen.  She shuffled over to the coffee pot, stooped by the pain the degenerative disease in her back caused.
     "Here Gram, let me get that for you".  Holly sprinted to the counter and grabbed the coffee pot as Dolly struggled to lift it.
     "When did that ole thing get so heavy?"  Dolly wondered aloud.  Holly shook her head sadly.  See, Lord?   Her mind continued its silent prayer.  What will we do?

     Back at the breakfast table, Dolly reached out and took Holly's hand in her own and patted it gently. "You look so tired, Holly.  There are circles under your eyes...and it's just Tuesday.  My, my, this will never do."
     "No, Gram.  I'm fine.  Mr. Davis said I might even get off in time to fix dinner tonight.  Then I can run you a nice, soothing bath with the Epsom salts and peppermint leaves..."
    "You're such a good girl, Holly", her grandma interrupted.  "Always taking such good care of me."
     "It's my turn, Gram.  You've taken care of me since I was eight and my parents died in that awful wreck.  There is nothing, no one, more important to me than you."  A tear slipped from Holly's eye.
     "Well, dear, it seems I'm becoming a handful.  There are new things you are having to do for me every day.  And with school and that taskmaster, Mr. Davis - well, something's gotta give."
     "Don't worry about it Gram," Holly said, pulling her hand from Dolly's and taking her bowl to the sink.  "God will work something out.  He always does.  I've got to run now.  I'm about to be late for Gross Anatomy."
     "Ooooh, gross!" Dolly replied, eyes twinkling.  Holly smiled at their favorite joke, kissed Dolly's cheek and ran out the door.

     "Coming!" Dolly yelled as she slowly shuffled to answer the persistently ringing doorbell.  She opened the door to find Holly clutching three grocery bags, one slipping from her grasp and spilling its contents on the ground.  "Oh dear!  Let me help you", Dolly cried, eyeing a rolling tomato."
     "No, don't bend over.  I've got it.  Can you get the door for me?"  As she gathered the supper ingredients, Holly said, "See, 6:30 - home to make supper."
     "What did you learn in school today?" Dolly asked, as she had done every school day since Holly was eight.
     "We're studying the major muscle groups", she answered, letting the door slam behind her, all grocery bags safely in tow.  "How about you come sit on your Gluteus Maximus and tell me about your day while I peel these carrots?"

      "My day?" Dolly asked, cautiously lowering herself into a kitchen chair.  "Oh, the usual.  Watch Jeopardy, read the Ladies Home Journal, watch Wheel of Fortune, make some phone calls..."
     "Phone calls?"  Holly paused, peeler in mid-air.  "Who did you call?"
     "Oh, just a few nursing homes, dear", Dolly replied nonchalantly.
     "Nursing homes? No Gram!"  Holly cried in alarm.  "I'd never send you to a nursing home."
     "I know you wouldn't dear.  That's why I'm thinking of sending myself."
     "Now , let me finish..." Dolly started, holding up her index finger.  "What if I'd like something to do all day besides watch TV and read magazines?  Maybe I could make some friends.  And what if this is God's way out of the situation we both know you are in that leaves you exhausted and frustrated?"
     "Oh, Gram." Holly sighed.
     Dolly pushed on.  "I made one other call too.  I called that boss of yours and told him he needed to give you tomorrow afternoon off so we could go check these places out."
     Holly covered her eyes with one hand.  "What did he say to that?"
     Dolly chuckled.  "He said it was a good idea.  Maybe he could get an hour's work out of you if you didn't have me to worry about."
     "Oh, Gram." Holly sighed again.
     "Come on, dear, let's eat.  This salad looks great and we've got a big day tomorrow", Dolly said.  It seemed to Holly that her grandmother radiated excitement.

     Holly cut class the next morning so they could spend all day checking out nursing homes.  She crossed the first one off the list before even leaving the driveway.  "They have a reputation, Gram, for not being very nice to the residents.  You are NOT going there."
     "I quite agree, dear", her grandmother replied cooperatively.  Holly cast her a suspicious glance and headed toward nursing home number two.
     Twenty minutes later they pulled up to the address on the paper to find that Sunshine Acres was a drab gray building with peeling paint and a weather-beaten sign planted in a neglected yard of browning grass and sprouting weeds.  "Give it a chance, dear", Dolly pleaded.
     The two made their way into the building to find a lobby of curling, stained linoleum and second-hand furniture that smelled like moth balls.  Holly and Dolly exchanged a glance and wordlessly turned around and went back to the car.  "That was rather disappointing", Dolly remarked.  Holly wisely remained silent and drove to home number three.

     The Living it Up Retirement Home certainly lived up to its name.  It was the polar opposite of the place they had just left.  Sporting manicured lawns and fountains, the two story building was a soft buttercream color with white trim and even had a glass elevator that allowed a view of the immaculate grounds and spa facilities.  The staff were dressed as butlers and maids and addressed the residents as "Monsieur" and "Mademoiselle".  As she feared, the cost of living it up here was three times Holly's entire income.  Back in the car and still in shock, Dolly crossed another name off her list.
     "Maybe this wasn't such a great idea, Gram", Holly stated.
     "We've still got two to see", Dolly replied, but Holly thought she seemed a bit deflated.  They drove in silence to home number four.

     The We Care Inn was your standard retirement home.  There was nothing wrong with it, but nothing to be excited about either.  The major drawback other than its dullness was that it was over an hour away one-way.  With Holly's work and school schedule, it would be very rare that she'd have time to make the drive and then very little time in which to actually visit with Dolly before she'd have to leave again.  "Well, it's the best one so far", Holly said.  "Let's go check out the last one."
     Dolly reclined the passenger seat and closed her eyes.  She's exhausted, Holly thought.  But Dolly was talking to God.  I thought this was Your solution, she silently prayed.  Could I have been so wrong?

 Finally back on their side of town, Holly and Dolly pulled up to the last address on the list.  The Lazy Days Retirement Home looked nice from the outside.  It was a red brick building with white wooden shutters and white French doors.  The grass was green and mowed and the sign freshly painted.  A good start, Holly thought.  She grabbed Dolly's hand and they walked together through the French doors. 
      The lobby was well-lit with hardwood floors, microfiber loveseats, and a tank of brightly colored salt-water fish.  Soft music played in the background.  

     "Welcome to Lazy Days Retirement Home", said a professional looking woman emerging from a door around the corner.  "My name is Ms. Winters.  How may I help you?"
     "I've come to see if I'd like to live here", Dolly blurted out.
     "By all means, let me give you a tour and I'll be happy to answer all your questions."  Ms. Winters led them out of the lobby and down a hallway.  Every time Ms. Winters explained about a new activity the home offered, Dolly's eyes got wider and her smile got bigger.  By the end of the tour, Dolly's joy was obvious.  She loved the Lazy Days Retirement Home.  She wanted to live there.

     Holly asked about the cost and decided that if she asked Mr. Davis for a few extra hours a week, she could probably swing it.  Holly's eyes filled and her vision swam.  It wasn't fair!  Her grandmother was so excited about the prospect of living in this place, but the thought filled Holly with sadness.  Her grandmother had been her room-mate, mother and friend all rolled into one every day for the last 24 years.  How could she manage without her?

     Holly's thoughts were interrupted by Ms. Winters.  "I need to have a private interview with each prospective resident, Holly.  Would you mind waiting in the lobby?"  Holly sat in a love seat facing the fish tank and silently prayed, If this is your answer, Lord, I'll trust you.  You've never let us down yet.
      After a short while, Ms. Winters appeared and asked Holly to join them in her office.  "We'd like to invite Dolly to live with us here at Lazy Days", Ms. Winters announced.  Dolly glowed.
     "That's great", Holly replied, trying to swallow past the huge lump in her throat.
     "We've had the loveliest conversation", Ms. Winters continued, "about you."
     "About me?" Holly was confused and her face showed it.
     "Oh yes," Ms. Winters explained.  "Dolly told me all about your patient care for her all while working and going to school - and Medical school at that.  Am I correct?"
     "Well, yes, but..." Holly stammered.
     "We've only been open a few months and are not yet fully staffed", Ms. Winters continued.  "You are the kind of person we'd like to have caring for our residents.  I'd not only like to offer Dolly a place to live, but I would like to offer you one and a job as well."
     "I...I don't know what to say", an awestruck Holly replied.
     "Say yes!"  Dolly and Ms. Winters chimed in unison.
     Ms. Winters offered Holly a live-in staff position.  Her pay would be room and board for Holly and her grandmother as long as she was in school and they would work around her school schedule.  When she graduated, Holly would receive a salary as well.

     The next day, Holly gave Mr. Davis her two-weeks notice and she and Dolly spent every spare minute packing and planning for their big move.

      Dolly fit right in at Lazy Days and quickly made friends.  Holly had found her niche as well and was soon a favorite among the residents.  Holly Halper became known as Helper Holly.  She was able to put her Medical school training to work and still spend every day with her precious Gram.  How's that for answered prayer?  Holly thought, realizing that for the first time in many months, she felt peaceful and content.




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