Saturday, October 11, 2014

The Gift


     "Come on, you can do it.  I know you can", Holly encouraged her physical therapy patient.  "Just try one more time".  Holly knew the exercises were designed to bring relief, but Doris' gout swollen legs just didn't want to cooperate.
     "What's the use?" Doris moaned miserably on the verge of tears.  "I'm old, I'm fat.  My body doesn't work any more.  I get up and wait for time to pass so I can go to bed again.  Why put myself through this torture?  Why try?  Is it going to change anything, Holly?  I know you mean well, but I just don't see the point."
     Holly shook her head sadly and helped Doris to her walker.  "I think that's enough for today, Doris.  I'll see you Wednesday."
     "I don't think so", Doris said, looking Holly in the eye.  "I'll live this miserable life until I die.  No point in trying to prolong it."  She hobbled to the door, head hung low.
     Holly prepared for her next patient but her mind was still on Doris. What can I do, Lord?  She silently prayed.  And suddenly, with clarity, she knew exactly what she needed to do.  Thank you, Lord, she whispered and continued her preparations with a spring in her step.

     Ms. Winters put away the last of the office supplies and carried the empty boxes out to the dumpster in the alley behind the building.  As she rounded the corner, she saw legs dangling in front of the dumpster.  There was someone bent over into it, their head and arms obscured from her view.  I know those legs, Ms Winters thought.  "Holly, is that you?  What are you doing in the dumpster?"
     Holly looked up, raising her head above the lip of the dumpster.  "Hi Ms. Winters.  Just looking for something."  She disappeared from sight again, resuming her rummaging and surfaced a moment later, something in her hands.  "Ah...perfect! Holly exclaimed, jumping down from the dumpster.

     In her hands was a torn stained, soggy crumpled cardboard box.  Ms Winters glanced from it to the boxes she had just carried out.  "Holly if you needed a box, you just had to ask."
     "Thanks, Ms. Winters", Holly replied.  "But those would never do.  This one is just perfect."
     "If you say so", Ms. Winters answered, shaking her head.  She headed back to her office convinced that Holly had left her good sense in the very dumpster from which she retrieved her "perfect" damaged box.
     True to Doris' word, she failed to arrive for her physical therapy appointment on Wednesday.  Holly waited ten minutes just in case the gout was making the trip painfully slow, but it was soon apparent that Doris wasn't coming.  Holly set out to find her.  Entering the community room, she hollered, "Anyone seen Doris?"
     Peter looked up from the puzzle he was working on.  Thanks to some secret tips from Jerry, Peter was now quite good at puzzle solving and could be found at the Puzzle Place nearly every waking hour.  "She hasn't been here today, Holly", he answered.
     "I don't think she was at breakfast, either", Nick added.
     "Thanks guys", Holly said over her shoulder, already heading toward Doris' room.

     Holly rapped softly on Doris' door.  "You might as well come in", came the reply from inside.
     Holly opened the door to find Doris still in bed.  "Doris, are you ill?" Holly asked in alarm.
     "No, I just didn't have a reason to get up", she explained.  "Did you come to get me for physical therapy?"
     "No," Holly replied with a smile.  "I came to bring you a gift."  From behind her back, she pulled the saddest looking cardboard box Doris had ever seen.  It was lopsided, torn at the corner and coffee stained.
     "This is for me?" Doris asked in disbelief.
     "Yes, Holly said excitedly.  "Open it."

     Tearing into the box is probably much easier than trying to keep it shut, Doris thought, making short work of the task and tossing the box aside.  Inside was a beautiful gold watch with a stretchy diamond-like crystal band.  "It's beautiful", Doris
breathed, slipping it over her hand.  "Who would have guessed this beautiful watch was inside that sorry excuse for a box?"  she laughed, shaking her head.
     "You are the watch, Doris", Holly said, watching her face.
     "What?  What are you talking about?" Doris was obviously confused.
     "Your body is like that box.  It's old, stained, crumpled and will one day be discarded.  But inside is a beautiful, precious gift.  You were made in the image of God, Doris.  That makes you priceless.  You are the watch."
     Doris was quiet a moment.  There were tears in her eyes as she studied the watch on her wrist.  "This is how God sees me?" she finally asked.
     Holly nodded.  She pointed to the box and said, "Man looks at the outward appearance", then to watch, "but God sees your heart".
     Doris gave Holly a hug and said, "Thank you Holly, for bringing me a beautiful gift in a pathetic box."
     "You're welcome, Doris.  Don't forget - it's what's inside that counts."  Doris nodded and waved as Holly let herself out, smiling as she returned to the PT room for her next appointment.

     Friday, Holly was not surprised to see Doris arrive on time for her appointment.  "I know the gift is inside", Doris explained, "but I figured this sorry package could use some help."
     Holly chuckled.  "Then let's get started", she said.  She silently thanked God for the precious gift that was Doris.




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